Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Hello! Happy Halloween to all! The Morrill family had a wonderful Halloween experience this year. Mike dressed up as the Milkman and I went as the pregnant/unfaithful housewife. Gracie dressed up as a cute little Pumpkin, and boy was she cute!!! From 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. we were overwhelmed with treat-or-treaters. And when I say overwhelmed, I mean it! I have never seen so many kids in my life! Many of the local nationals (Okinawans) were allowed on base and they sure did take advantage of this opportunity...heck, who wouldn't?! Free candy! Needless to say, we ran out of candy about 20 minutes after it all started! And, we had tons of candy! It was just crazy! So, we spent the rest of the night walking around the neighborhood looking at all the creative costumes, haunted houses, and herds of children coming down the streets. Overall, we had a great time and are definitely going to be better prepared next year!

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